
Sephora Beauty Insider Birthday Gift 2010

I love free stuff, who doesn't! But it's really a mute point when the products are cheap and useless. That's why I love Sephora and it's Beauty Insider program. I shop at Sephora anyway and I actually do like the Sephora brand products and when you spend money you get points. The points add up and when you reach a certian amount you get free stuff- not too bad for shopping at a place I would have shopped at anyways. Besides this point system even if you are just apart of the program and don't spend a penny there all year they still give you a free birhday gift! Love this! You don't have to buy anything to claim it you just go into the store show them your Beauty Insider card or give them your email and voila! Free Stuff! Quality free stuff to be more specific.

For 2010 it's the Sephora Beautiful Eyes Kit. You get a Sephora brand black mascara, deep green eyeliner pencil and an eyeshadow. You have 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after your birthday to claim your free gift so don't miss out. I was counting down the days until my 2 week mark and it's finally here! So I'll be heading in to Sephora today to get my free gift and maybe, just maybe a few other goodies =D

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